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​5th Grade at White Hall... 

Welcome, Fifth-Grader!

New to White Hall Elementary?  There’s nothing to worry about. White Hall fifth-graders and their teachers will welcome you with open arms, promise.  Fifth-grade teachers and students at White Hall are a friendly group.  You will have a fellow fifth-grade student, called a Lion-Buddy, to help you learn your class schedule, locate your classes, and ensure you know how happy we are that you’re a WHITE HALL LION.


In fifth-grade, students switch classes for every subject.  Typically, your day will begin with classes called ‘activities classes.’  Activities classes include computer, library, art, gym, music, instruments, and guidance class.  Following morning, activities, fifth-graders then go to their math, reading, social studies, writing, and science classes.  Most importantly…lunch begins at approximately 12:05 and recess is at the end of the day at approximately 2:30.


Fifth-graders go on fabulous field trips, and your parents can come along as chaperones.  Over the years, we have visited places such as Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill, Fort Harrod, EKU Center for the Arts, Norton Centre for the Arts, Lexington Opera House, Galaxy Bowling Center, and Richmond Battlefield at Herndon Farm just to name a few.


Because you are a fifth-grader, you can expect to participate in some fabulous class projects like constructing your own island, caring for a pet rock, lunch-box alarms, building Native American displays, Veterans’ Day Program, and a variety of other cooperative learning opportunities.


In addition to a fun day of learning, there are a variety of after-school programs and local opportunities you will receive information on and be able to participate in if you choose.  These programs include Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP), Central Kentucky Music Educators Association (CKMEA), Green Club (recycling program), F.R.O.G. Club, Archery Team, Academic Team, Richmond Area Arts Council (RAAC), Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA youth sports, Little League, etc.


You will soon discover how awesome it is to be a White Hall Lion.  We can’t wait to meet you!


The Fifth-Grade Students and Their Teachers

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